Our Blog

A Life of Meaning

"You are not what happened to you but what you choose to become." — Carl Jung  The following quotes are concepts and ideas from Carl Jung that I use as a Life Coach in my practice. - How we choose to feel and respond to life circumstances is a choice every moment that...

Age-Ing to Sage-Ing

Age-Ing to Sage-Ing

There is a new model of late-life development called Age-ing to Sage-ing (Schachter-Shalomi and Miller 1995). This process enables people in their later decades of life to become the most they can be as they complete their purpose. As we mature and recount our lives...

Follow Your Bliss With Depth Life Coaching

Follow Your Bliss With Depth Life Coaching

The word enthusiasm means ‘filled with a god.'" So what makes you enthusiastic? Follow it. . . .And you know what my answer would be – where your enthusiasm is. So I have a little word: follow your bliss. The bliss is the message of God to yourself. That’s where your...

Tango from Chaos to Creativity

Tango From Chaos to Creativity: How Multiple Personalities Emerge and Move Toward Integration  To buy my book, go to Xlibris, or Amazon. This man’s haunting story of devastating abuse evolves through years of therapy with Pollack. Yet, as a work of creative...

Inner Child Work, Makes a Grown Man Cry

A man in his 40's who has a history of severe verbal abuse by his father and neglect by both parents began his healing during his therapy session with me this week. His parents  left him at a young age (7 years old) with a friend/babysitter while they were out of the...