What does the term ADD really mean? 'ADD is the term commonly used to describe symptoms of inattention,...
Creative Living Articles
How to Live a Passionate, Creative Life Now
We have control over our brain and, therefore, our life. Sometimes it doesn't feel that way with all of the obstacles...
Let’s all take a deep breath…
These past few months with COVID-19 have been very emotionally taxing and has instilled fear and anxiety in many....
Compassionate Inquiry to Heal Trauma
Compassionate inquiry is an inquiry method to help people connect to the truth within themselves in the present...
Want to Reach Your Goals Faster?
Want to Reach Your Goals Faster? Try Adopting a “Journey Mindset” It's not easy to change the way you look at goal...
Reduce Stress to Reduce your Anxiety and Depression
Many of us are experiencing stress. If you have tired adrenal glands, you may not be able to handle stress well. Here...
Keys to Successful Therapy
What can you expect from therapy? People are looking for change. I have abandoned rigid techniques for a much more...
Is Your Life Out of Balance?
Does your life need balancing? Is exercise part of your life balancing routine? Balance is what I believe is one of...
How to Heal Trauma and Anxiety
Trauma is held within the body. Although trauma can feel deep and overwhelming, there are successful ways to treat...
What Do Your Dreams Mean?
What can you learn from your dreams? Dreams allow us to process important information or events that we are working...