Our Blog

Mindfulness in Every Day Life

A recent study found that calmer people are consistently more successful than those who are stressed out. On top of the fact stress can set you back in your career, not living mindfully can also negatively impact your health. Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a cardiologist, ...

Love and Chemistry: Can Both Be Yours?

Dr. Helen Fisher studies ways to make love easier. Using Clinical research and MRI’s, her love quiz on chemistry.com helps you determine your type if you are seeking love. She also offers practical advice to keep love alive, depending on yours and your partner's type....

Mindfulness and Making Life Changes

Mindfulness is one of the best ways to handle daily stress and challenges and be more organized. Have you ever known something was good for you but had trouble convincing yourself to do it? Mindfulness can often be like that. When you think about it, if we believe...

Dating: Finding Love Online

More and more people are going online to find love. I see a growing interest in people who want to find a relationship but need help in fine tuning their wants, needs and desires so they can clearly create a true profile that attracts the qualities or interests that...