Our Blog

Mindfulness is one of the best ways to handle daily stress and challenges and be more organized.

Have you ever known something was good for you but had trouble convincing yourself to do it? Mindfulness can often be like that. When you think about it, if we believe that mindfulness is so good for us, why then, is it so hard to maintain a regular practice?

At ICS, we have some suggestions for you to incorporate mindfulness into your life. With life coaching, changes in your life become easier and happen faster. Read these facts to learn more.

Beginning something new is always easier with help along the way. Click here for some guidance from Dr. Pollack at ICS.

PS I’d consider it a favor if you’d click share on this blog to anyone else you think might be interested in life coaching!

We offer a FREE 15 minute session to new clients. Contact Us to schedule it today. These sessions are only available via phone, email, text and Skype.