Our Blog

Take Time to Slow Down

This is the time to slow down, to listen to your heart and to listen to your soul. Recently, one of my clients who was overly stressed at work was overeating and not spending time with her family because she was so fatigued by the time she returned home. Since schools...

Try Falling in Love to Improve Your Health

Try falling in love to improve your health. In love you are present, in the moment feeling the flow of dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin and growth hormones....a vacation from stress and fear When you feel love your wishes and desires are being felt and realized in the...

Cliches and Communication

Is Our Communication becoming a Collection of Clichés? Eloquence in language happens in your heart. –Rumi, The Rose The definition of cliché seems to have lost its meaning. Anton C. Zijderveld, a Dutch sociologist, offers some illuminating insights on clichés and what...