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Keys To  Better  Relationships

Keys To Better Relationships

Never give up your passions for anyone.  Never  withhold  affection or unconditional love.  Listen to music daily. Create health a lifestyle. Dance as much as you can.  Think carefully before you speak.  Laugh at least daily.  Make decisions from your heart.  ...

When Is It Time To Move On?

Moving On  From A Relationship Here are 9 ways to help you move on: After a relationship ends whether with a lover, a friend or a family member the loss can feel overwhelming. If the relationship is important it hurts. Anxiety and a gamut of other feelings may...

New Relationship with Yourself and Others

Learn how to liberate yourself from past emotional energy and unconscious patterns that may be causing a repetition of behaviors you no longer want. When you liberate you find your conflicts resolving and dissolving so that new relationships, healthy lifestyle and...

Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story One way to get through and move into the future is to place all of the good and the bad in a story with a person who will listen. That is the value of a good therapist or coach. Listening. Your emotions, memories and hopes appear in your story about...

A Key To Finding Your Passion

What did you do as a child that made the hours pass as minutes?  This Is the key to your purpose in life now. What comes to mind for you? Share your early memories to find your current passion and purpose and live it more often. For me, as a young girl my sisters and...

Anxiety, Trauma And The Butterfly Hug

Trauma, Anxiety And The Butterfly Hug  Recently a mother brought her young child to me. Her daughter was having anxiety and panic attacks.I showed her the Butterfly Hug which is a very simple and soothing technique to reduce anxiety and panic due to simple traumas and...