Our Blog
How Can Online Coaching or Therapy Work for You?
A July 2013 Forbes.com article shares that online therapies are just as effective as traditional therapies, and becoming more and more convenient. Recent studies done by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University have shown that online therapy works just as well...
Facts on Life Coaching
A life coach is a person who has specific skills to assist and support you as you progress toward your goals -- whether personal, career, relationship, health, fitness, and/or lifestyle. A professional life coach can be the person who helps you recognize your dreams...
Overeating: The Smiling Cupcake
Many times overeating is linked to a numbing that results from psychological pain or trauma. Eating becomes a way of dealing with everything without feeling painful memories. In one case documented in an article, a female patient was asked to visualize her overeating...
Join the ICS Life Coaching Directory
In the past months, Innovative Counseling Services has expanded our business. We are taking on new clients and counselors. But, we are also expanding our outreach to professional life coaching. Here’s where we need you. Our new directory has launched at...
Psychology of Self-Esteem: Holistic Health and Appearance
Most cultures are appearance-based, but is there a strong link between how we feel about ourselves, how we live our lives, and our appearance? In many ways, yes. How you perceive yourself comes from both an interior and exterior perception. The more you exercise, the...
Creating Longevity in Your Life
While teaching Mind Body Psychology at Ryokan College two years ago, I became excited about the new research on our ability to control gene expressions, the leading factor that dictates agelessness, health and creativity. Gene expression is defined as the process by...
Single People Have Love Too
Are you are single on Valentine’s Day? Although this is a holiday of love and romance, this is day can also be a time to feel grateful for what you love in life and who you love. “Based on the shopping trends we’ve seen leading up to Valentine’s Day, we know it’s not...
Skype Your Way To A Better Relationship
Does your partner make excuses about going to couples counseling? Do you have communication problems but your partner is in denial? Are you frustrated or worried about the lack of intimacy in your relationship? Many people feel uncomfortable coming into a therapist’s...
Dr. Pollack Featured as Expert in Smart Magazine
Innovative Counseling Service's Dr. Jean Pollack is featured as a psychological expert in the January/February 2013 issue of Smart Magazine. In the article, writer Susan Jenning's focuses on how to Battle the Case of the "Yeses." Jenning's highlights Dr. Pollack's use...
Do you have anxiety and worry? Maybe you need a Professional Life Coach.
“I have trouble sleeping,” “I can’t relax,” ”I can’t seem to get everything done and feel overwhelmed,” and “I feel like my heart is racing.” These complaints are a result of a life that is out of balance and can easily be rebalanced with the help of a professional...