Some symptoms of trauma are behaviors that occur when a situation or occurrence overwhelms our coping skills. This...
EMDR Therapy Articles
Depth Life Coaching Can Help You
What is Depth or Jungian Coaching and why would it help you? This approach focuses less on pathology and diagnosing...
Tango from Chaos to Creativity
Tango From Chaos to Creativity: How Multiple Personalities Emerge and Move Toward Integration To buy my book, go...
Somatic Therapy to Help You Gain Inner Wisdom
Is there an inner wisdom that comes from listening to your body? Can this wisdom help you to know what is right or...
EMDR Online Therapy: Positive Reasons to Try It
EMDR Online Therapy can be as or more effective than face-to-face EMDR treatment because treatment takes place in the...
Treatment for Addictive Eating
Many people feel conflict around the topic of overeating. Unless addressed in therapy, and most effectively with EMDR...
How to Heal Trauma and Anxiety
Trauma is held within the body. Although trauma can feel deep and overwhelming, there are successful ways to treat...
What Do Your Dreams Mean?
What can you learn from your dreams? Dreams allow us to process important information or events that we are working...
Do You Feel Stuck? Try EMDR Therapy.
Do You Feel Stuck? What is EMDR Therapy and How Can It Help You? Many times we get into a rut, a repetitive cycle that...
DID, a Psychological Disorder of Great Intrigue
Have you seen the move Split, the terrifying story of a man with 23 multiple personalities? According to an article in...