If you are a parent, the holidays can be extremely stressful as you prepare for your children’s celebration. However, even if you are single the additional stress of attending holiday parties, family gatherings, and gift buying may seem like more to do. This is why it...
The word enthusiasm means ‘filled with a god.'” So what makes you enthusiastic? Follow it. . . .And you know what my answer would be – where your enthusiasm is. So I have a little word: follow your bliss. The bliss is the message of God to yourself. That’s where...
Here’s a simple and gentle exercise to Fbring your awareness back to your body. This exercise is by Peter Levine and outlined in his book, In an Unspoken Voice. In his words, take a gentle pulsating shower in the following way: At a comfortable temperature, expose...
What does the term ADD really mean? ‘ADD is the term commonly used to describe symptoms of inattention, distractibility, and poor working memory’. https://www.additudemag.com/add-adhd-symptoms-difference/ Are you concerned about yourself or a loved one...
Tango From Chaos to Creativity: How Multiple Personalities Emerge and Move Toward Integration To buy my book, go to Xlibris, or Amazon. This man’s haunting story of devastating abuse evolves through years of therapy with Pollack. Yet, as a work of creative...