Our Blog
Is Your Life Out of Balance?
Does your life need balancing? Is exercise part of your life balancing routine? Balance is what I believe is one of the most important things in life. Not extreme exercising or weight loss programs or changes in any area in your life but gradual and enjoyable movement...
Eat These Foods to Improve Your Mental Health
Can your mental health be affected by what you eat? Yes, there are foods that can impact your mood and psychological well-being. Can you actually feel better by eating healthy foods and staying away from processed and fast food ? The answer is absolutely! Are you...
What’s New with Seasonal Depression?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs seasonally, typically more noticeably in the fall and winter months then often disappears in spring. According to Women's Health, although SAD may differ from one person to another, when the days...
How to Heal Trauma and Anxiety
Trauma is held within the body. Although trauma can feel deep and overwhelming, there are successful ways to treat trauma and often what is associated anxiety. Recent neuroscience research shows the best treatment for trauma involves movement. Yoga and breathing are...
Equality and Gender Difference
The definition of feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Here men are not mentioned, only sharing equality is. Yet, a persistent sense of feminism is that it promotes a dislike of men. Fairly, most feminists recognize...
What Do Your Dreams Mean?
What can you learn from your dreams? Dreams allow us to process important information or events that we are working through in our daily life but may not be aware of what the problem or solution is. Dreams bring a deeper awareness to our lives and help us to sort...
Do You Feel Stuck? Try EMDR Therapy.
Do You Feel Stuck? What is EMDR Therapy and How Can It Help You? Many times we get into a rut, a repetitive cycle that occurs unconsciously. We find ourselves repeating the same behavior or thought that brings us unhappiness. Although these repetitive cycles serve to...
What Are Symptoms of Anxiety and What To Do If You Have Anxiety or a Panic Attack
Anxiety Edginess or restlessness Tiring easily; more fatigued than usual Impaired concentration or feeling as though the mind goes blank Irritability (which may or may not be observable to others) Increased muscle aches or soreness Difficulty sleeping (due to trouble...
Using Herbal Supplements to Help With Depression
Tiansi Liquid Herbal Formula The findings elaborate that Tiansi Liquid can be utilized to manage depression, however, multiple molecular mechanisms of action could be proposed for this effect. The observed core mechanisms could be the sensory perception of pain,...
We Listen
When you need guidance through a specific situation or just need someone to listen when you’re overwhelmed, your personal 1-on-1 Coach is waiting to help. We offer a FREE 15 minute session to new clients. Contact Us to schedule it today. These sessions are only...