General Articles

How To Avoid Divorce

If You Answer Yes To Any Of These Questions, Your Relationship Can Be Saved: 1. QUESTION  Do you often feel hurt and/or angry by your partner's actions? (You don't feel heard and nothing changes.) 2. QUESTION  Do you keep thinking “If I do this or that, our...

Keys to a Better Relationship

Never give up your passions for anyone.  Never  withhold  affection or unconditional love.  Listen to music daily. Create health as a lifestyle. Dance as much as you can.  Think carefully before you speak.  Laugh at least daily.  Make decisions from your heart.  ...

Stoicism Habits That Change Your Life

Stoicism Habits That Change Your Life. During the past year I have been intrigued with the philosophy of Stoicism . and have added the need to compliment life with Hedonism ( ). This ancient but relevant  philosophy has opening a new path to for more meaning and...

Do Want More Energy More Time Less Anxiety And More Sense Of Purpose?

Do Want More Energy, More Time, Less Anxiety And More Sense Of Purpose? I’ll offer this to you: more time, more energy, better health, less anxiety, better relationships more sense of excitement and purpose in life and more balance in your life. Buy a 6 sessions and...