Dec 13, 2011 | Relationship Advice
Theories of love can’t fully explain love and attraction, but if you learn to trust your intuition you will find more successful relationships. After seeing many clients struggling in love and relationships, over the years I have developed a theory about...
Dec 7, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching
Don’t let the snow or flu season interfere with your therapy sessions. Inclement weather and less sunlight during winter can increase depression, illness, and lethargy. It brings that “I just want to stay at home and rest” feeling. Many of my clients are now...
Oct 6, 2011 | Healthy Living
How can we optimize agelessness and creativity in our normal daily lives with psychotherapy and life coaching? We can use our consciousness and perception of free will to optimize our health and well being. While teaching Mind Body Psychology at Ryokan College two...
Apr 27, 2011 | Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching
While recently visiting my mother at the Pickersgill Retirement Community in Baltimore, Maryland, I noticed her unsteady gait had again worsened. Since her diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) ten years ago, my mother has been treated with multiple medications,...
Apr 18, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching, Relationship Advice
In the Scientific American’s Distance Therapy Comes of Age, by Robert Epstein states that with distant therapy you can, “see your progress in black and white,” referring to people who text with their therapist. The sessions are visible and can be...
Mar 9, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching, Relationship Advice
According to a recent story in the New York Times, Facebook is one of the most popular searches for couples and singles. Does Facebook Cause Relationship Turmoil? Facebook is frequently a topic of conversation and conflict in today’s couples counseling. Facebook has...
Jan 29, 2011 | Marital and Couples Counseling, Relationship Advice, The Role of a Therapist
According to Taylor Trudon’s Huffington Post piece, 10 Lessons My Parent’s Divorce Taught Me, everyone should have a therapist. In today’s society, Trudon says, “Having a therapist is like saying you have an Ipod. Everyone has one. They’re both...
Jan 27, 2011 | Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching
According to the New York Times, College Freshman are under more emotional stress than ever before. The survey, “The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010,” involved more than 200,000 incoming full-time students at four-year colleges, and cited that the...
Jan 23, 2011 | Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching
In response to the Huffington Post article, Bath Salts A Growing Drug Problem Officials Say, the question is not should we ban every chemical that could be potentially dangerous if snorted or ingested but why are people snorting and ingesting dangerous chemicals? The...
Jan 5, 2011 | Creative Living, EMDR Therapy, Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching
Many people struggle with diets and exercise plans with temporary success. The key to success is resolving the deep unconscious conflicts within each and every one of us. These conflicts when unresolved lead to destructive behaviors and addictions, i.e., excessive...