Nov 25, 2014 | Creative Living, Mediation
Mediation is a flexible, simple, and often times quick way to fully resolve conflicts. Whether these conflicts are family-based or professional, our mediation skills at Innovative Counseling Services (ICS) can decrease the time spent attempting to communicate through...
Aug 20, 2014 | Creative Living, Healthy Living, Life Coaching / Time Management, Mindful Psychology
EDITOR’S NOTE: In our ongoing series showcasing professional life coaches, this week’s feature is from Karen Jones, an ICS Counselor. She reflects on her recent learnings on mindfulness and how to practice it as a way of being. Upon returning from my latest...
Dec 13, 2012 | Online Therapy and Coaching
The holidays are a time of year for celebration, being with family, and enjoying. Yet, they also tend to be a time of stress for many people in terms of preparation, overindulgence, and cost. The following are five ways to manage your stress through this holiday...