Oct 9, 2014 | Counseling, Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching, The Role of a Therapist
EDITOR’S NOTE: In the ICS series showcasing life coaches from www.hireaprofessionallifecoach.com, this week’s feature is Paula Quinsee‘s blog post on Imago Therapy. Paula is a Life, Health, and Relationship Coach who is passionate about being a catalyst for change and...
Sep 8, 2014 | Counseling, Healthy Living, The Role of a Therapist
EDITOR’S NOTE: This week’s blog post features, Barbara Christensen of Stand Out Christian Coaching. Her work specializes in psychology and mental health counseling for Christian’s to overcome their fears and challenges, change their focus, and...
May 13, 2014 | Online Therapy and Coaching
What should you do if you find out that your partner cheated? Feelings of betrayal, anger, and distrust hit hard and often many questions run through your mind. Who, why, when did it happen, for how long? Your reality is shaken and you don’t know what to do. The most...
Mar 9, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching, Relationship Advice
According to a recent story in the New York Times, Facebook is one of the most popular searches for couples and singles. Does Facebook Cause Relationship Turmoil? Facebook is frequently a topic of conversation and conflict in today’s couples counseling. Facebook has...
Jan 23, 2011 | Healthy Living, Online Therapy and Coaching
In response to the Huffington Post article, Bath Salts A Growing Drug Problem Officials Say, the question is not should we ban every chemical that could be potentially dangerous if snorted or ingested but why are people snorting and ingesting dangerous chemicals? The...