I continue to work as a life coach part time to keep myself actively productive and energized by learning new skills , visiting my grandchildren and attending podcasts and webinars to continue learning so that I can share with others to make my life and others lives more balanced with laughter, sensuality, appreciation, good health and improved relationships etc. These helps to Age in a 55 and older community without losing your soul
Adventure: You need to keep a sense of adventure in your life
Laughter: Laughter and lightheartedness is so important rather than complaining about the weather, or the food in nearby restaurants, others neighbors, condo issues. Being mindful of what we are grateful for is so important and so easy to practice for a few minutes each day.
Spontaneity: Don’t schedule so many busy things that you no longer have spontaneity in your life.
Appreciation: Appreciation comes from recognizing the freedom you’ve gained. In this community, we no longer have to worry about lawn care, landscaping, or maintenance, which allows more space to focus on the things that bring us joy.
Flexibility: remember to be flexible and change your routine and open yourself to new activities with new people periodically. Be flexible and say ‘yes’ to new ideas and opportunities and say yes to moving your body routinely.
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