Dec 23, 2015 | Creative Living, Online Therapy and Coaching, Relationship Advice
The countdown to Christmas and holidays is here. This time of year we want to think of the best gifts to give our partner or loved ones. Here are some gifts to give and they are free! 1. Reignite your spark. Touch your partner more, listen to a physical need he or she...
Feb 27, 2012 | Online Therapy and Coaching
In the first few encounters with a potential partner, we tend to assess their assets as well as their baggage. For example how many marriages and divorces has this person had? How many children, stepchildren, or any volatile relationships with exes? Then, there is the...
Dec 7, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching
Don’t let the snow or flu season interfere with your therapy sessions. Inclement weather and less sunlight during winter can increase depression, illness, and lethargy. It brings that “I just want to stay at home and rest” feeling. Many of my clients are now...
Apr 18, 2011 | Online Therapy and Coaching, Relationship Advice
In the Scientific American’s Distance Therapy Comes of Age, by Robert Epstein states that with distant therapy you can, “see your progress in black and white,” referring to people who text with their therapist. The sessions are visible and can be...
Sep 15, 2009 | Creative Living
Creativity as A Guide When you pace yourself with creativity, activity, and rest throughout the day, you will not be resisting the body’s natural rhythm and you will feel less stressed. I teach Mind Body Psychology and use it with my clients in therapy and...