Feb 27, 2012 | Online Therapy and Coaching
In the first few encounters with a potential partner, we tend to assess their assets as well as their baggage. For example how many marriages and divorces has this person had? How many children, stepchildren, or any volatile relationships with exes? Then, there is the...
Jan 29, 2011 | Marital and Couples Counseling, Relationship Advice, The Role of a Therapist
According to Taylor Trudon’s Huffington Post piece, 10 Lessons My Parent’s Divorce Taught Me, everyone should have a therapist. In today’s society, Trudon says, “Having a therapist is like saying you have an Ipod. Everyone has one. They’re both...
Jun 11, 2009 | Online Therapy and Coaching
What gives us purpose? It is different for everyone and it changes throughout our lifetime. When we are young, we don’t think about it; we just live it. Most of us loved playing outside, exploring, being in nature, biking, playing with friends, maybe drawing,...
May 20, 2009 | EMDR Therapy, Parenting
Yesterday a mother came to see me. She was worried about her son. She and his father had divorced years ago and now the boy was 7-years-old. The mother had remarried. The boy loved his father and anticipated his visits, but his father had disappointed him many times...