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Stoicism Habits That Change Your Life. During the past year I have been intrigued with the philosophy of Stoicism . and have added the need to compliment life with Hedonism ( ).

This ancient but relevant  philosophy has opening a new path to for more meaning and change based on basic principals.


This anciety philosophy is based on several basic principles.

Take the next step and start a new life at any point in your life. I am questioning my  perceptions and live more in the present

see challenges as opportunities. Our internal dialogue is so important in how we live in the world.

A new you is understanding reality in the present. It is all we have

Choose what to value and give up the rest

Live with purpose

Live in harmony with our inner nature, true desire or reacting to others expectations?

Stop pleasing others instead of

Live to improve learn and grow with simple Stoic habits

all we have is the present, dwelling on the past takes us from the present

Life is not measured by the number of breaths But by the moments that take our breath away’ quote for instagram


navigating societal – what is within our control. ‘we have the power over our mind not outside events’  stay true to your own values, art of internal valuation

Balance emotional labor-balance emotions- pause and process emotions before reacting- dedicate time to activities that rejuvenate. not a luxury but a necessity. balance and fulfillment.

Overcoming gender bias– look inward for validation and strength. ‘very little is needed for a happy life, it is all within yourself. Quiet strength in action. Rational thinking and address bias with clarity. See bias as a test of courage, wisdom, empowerment. self reliance and confidence.

Embrace authentic leadership- ‘first say to yourself what you would be and do what you have to be’ identify core values, its about cultivating a leadership style based on your personal values. Lead by harnessing her qualities. Calm strategic . Genuine respect among her team. Service and responsibility. from power and control to stewardness. team cohesion. expression of deepest values.

Asserting personal boundaries- own space and fulfilling roles. While we can’t control actions of others, we can control how we react to them’

Allocate resources as you see fit. Learn to say no as a step toward well being and quality of work. Value your own judgement. Self awareness in defining your personal limits. Respect and understanding to those around her. Navigate life with dignity.

Embracing adversity. Encourage all areas of life. See obstacles of opportunity. A way to transform obstacles into opportunities. Every experience contributes to personal growth. Empowerment. Engagement with life and purpose. Grace and positivity.

Reflection and Self Awareness. Importance of internal exaploration. Reflective Introspection– gain clarity of values and goals. Know oneself: strengths, weakness to help with leading to an authentic self.  Set goals and find contentment. and remain flexible. Focus on the present. find joy in current experiences.

Hedonism and Stoicism Similarity: Both philosophies value the pursuit of happiness, but differ in how they define and achieve it. Hedonism and Stoicism Difference: Hedonism prioritizes immediate pleasure, while Stoicism focuses on cultivating a virtuous character and seeking a peaceful mind.