Online Therapy and Coaching Articles

Keys to Successful Therapy

What can you expect from therapy? People are looking for change.  I have abandoned rigid techniques for a much more successful approach. Listening is so important as the world has become so fast and distractable. As I listen to people's concerns and perspectives, I...

Marriage – Separate but Living Together

Living Apart but Together Why do couples continue to live together even though they are separated or considering divorce? Some couples find that they want 'space' from each other and decide to live together (stay in their current home) while they start marriage...

Reduce Your Anxiety with Diet Changes

Anxiety is very prevalent right now. But many of my clients don't want to rely on a prescription medication to treat their symptoms.  Research shows a change in  your diet may help. There are many types of anxiety such as feelings of fear, worry and uneasiness. Each...

Is Your Life Out of Balance?

Does your life need balancing? Is exercise part of your life balancing routine? Balance is what I believe is one of the most important things in life. Not extreme exercising or weight loss programs or changes in any area in your life but gradual and enjoyable movement...