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Do Your Best And Detach

There is a beautiful Stoic metaphor that encourages striving for excellence but without attachment to the outcome which takes you out of the present and creates anxiety about the future.

Children chasing a butterfly, the harder they chase the harder it is to catch. When the child stops, breathes and enjoys the moment , the butterfly gracefully lands on their shoulder.

Allow yourself to detach and focus on the steps and enjoy the journey. The key to attracting more of what you want is to not CHASE, but  ATTRACT. Follow the order of nature of detachment, letting go.

Allow ‘Meditations’ is a powerful book written by Marcus Aurelius and has been on my bookshelf for many years. His philosophy is ancient and applies to men and women today. How can this philopsophy help you not only as a man but as a woman? https://dailystoic.com/stoic-women/owner of Huffington Post

Nita Strauss tours the world as the lead guitarist for Alice Cooper (!) and is regularly ranked as one of the best female guitar players in the world. She also happens to be a practicing student of Stoic philosophy.

J.K. Rawling, the author of Harry Potter The superstar author of the best-selling book series in history happens to be a pretty big fan of Marcus Aurelius.

In my coaching practice I also like to combine the philosophy of Hedonism into the practice of Stoicism which adds the ability to enjoy pleasures without seeking pleasure. You are open to pleasure but not constantly seeking it as a goal as you practice the philosophy of Stoicism which focuses on seeing obstacles as a learning opportunity. Gratitude is also emphasized. Realizing that we cannot control external  situations but we can choose how we want to respond. What kind of values do we want to live every day? Every day is a new beginning.