Our Blog
Asperger’s Syndrome is Not the Reason for Mass Murder
Did Adam Lanza, the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, have a developmental disorder called Asperger’s Syndrome? According to the recent NY Times article, A Gunman, Recalled as Intelligent and Shy, Who Left Few Footprints in Life, “Several said in separate...
How to Manage Holiday Stress
The holidays are a time of year for celebration, being with family, and enjoying. Yet, they also tend to be a time of stress for many people in terms of preparation, overindulgence, and cost. The following are five ways to manage your stress through this holiday...
ICS Offers EMDR Consultation and Performance Enhancement
Dr. Jean Pollack is an EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) Certified clinician and an EMDRIA Approved Consultant in EMDR. In 1993, she was EMDR Institute-trained by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the founder and developer of EMDR. For more than a decade, Dr. Pollack has...
Founder of EMDR Dr. Francine Shapiro Featured on NY Times Blog
Last week, Dr. Francine Shapiro, who is pictured here and regarded as the founder of EMDR, talked with NY Times readers about where EMDR stands as a form of therapy. In her blog post, The Evidence on E.M.D.R, Dr. Shapiro answers questions about EMDR's evidence,...
Will Your Empty Nest Be Boomeranged?
When my last child left for college, I had been a mother for more than thirty years. I thought I was prepared, but nothing prepared me for the day my last child left home. We took our son to his new dorm and got him settled in, but I felt so empty. I thought, "Who...
Concierge Coaching: Achieve the Impossible
Overwhelmed? You need less stress, less appointments to schedule, and more time to have someone listen and support you. Life is one transition after another. Most people need support and accountability from someone that knows them and someone to help navigate life...
My Husband, the Cross Dresser
Recently, a woman called me stating that she discovered something extremely shocking about her husband after seventeen years of marriage and two children (and admittedly many dismissed concerns). Her husband is a cross-dresser. According to The American Journal of...
What is the Fascination with Fifty Shades of Grey?
Fifty Shades of Grey is a number one best seller. Although the book is considered erotica because it traces the relationship between a virgin college student and her kinky boss, it has found a crossover and prominence in mainstream reading that is rare. According to...
Finding Sleep, Naturally
How many nights have you struggled to fall asleep so you turn to sleeping pills? Depending how often you use them, you could risk relying on sleeping pills too often, which potentially could lead to an addiction. According to the American Psychological Association,...
Are You Considering Divorce?
If you are deciding whether or not to divorce, there are abundant questions to ask yourself. Are the children going to suffer? Will I be able to manage financially? Have I done everything possible to keep this relationship together? In fact, answering these questions...